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The DNA profile of George Washington

Are you related to one of the best statesmen?

Discover a possible family connection with the famous politician and also compare yourself with many other famous people!

The DNA of an unforgotten president

George Washington, the first President of the United States of America, is a remarkable historical figure. He was born on February 22, 1732 in the then British colony of Virginia from the Washington family.

Genealogical evidence shows that his ancestors were mainly from England. Johns Washington, his great-great-grandfather and the first Washington to emigrate to America in 1657, came from a family of gentry, or impoverished landed gentry, from County Durham in northern England. Before emigrating, he had been a sea captain. John's son, Lawrence, was George's grandfather and acquired the Virginia farm that later became famous as "Mount Vernon."

The Washingtons were deeply rooted in Virginia society for several generations. They were part of the planter elite who held important positions in colonial government and administration. George Washington received an education and training appropriate to his station. As a young man, he became involved in Virginia's military and state leadership.

His first significant public contribution was his role in the French and Indian War, which lasted from 1754 to 1763. He then served in the First Continental Congress and in the Continental Army during the War for Independence against Great Britain (1775-1781). His skills as a leader and his moral authority helped to weather the difficult early years of the young nation.

Washington's election as the first president of the United States in 1789 was a major turning point in the nation's history. His inclusive approach, particularly his refusal to seek a third term, shaped the presidency in many ways.

George Washington died on December 14, 1799, at his Mount Vernon estate in Virginia. Even today, he is considered one of the most influential founding fathers of the United States and often referred to as the "father of his nation."

In summary, George Washington was an outstanding leader whose impact continues to shape U.S. history and identity today.

George Washington belonged to haplogroup R-M343 (subgroup R-BY2744) in the paternal line.

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My Surprising Discovery: Uncover Genes and Washington Lineage with iGENEA DNA Test

C. Witgen

My iGENEA DNA testing journey was filled with surprises, the biggest being that I share common ancestry with George Washington. Undertaking the test was a smooth and insightful process, the end result offering a surreal personal connection to history. (C. Witgen)

My journey with iGENEA began out of sheer curiosity, like many others. The subsequent logistical steps were both practical and clear, with my DNA test kit arriving promptly after ordering it. The experience was smooth and easy to comprehend - even for someone like me, with no background in genetics. I was amazed by the straightforward testing process and the ease of achieving it within the confines of my own home.

Once I had completed the swabs and sent them back using the included pre-paid envelope, the waiting period started. I was highly impressed by the company's constant communication; they kept me informed about my DNA sample’s status every step of the way. Right from receiving my sample to starting the analysis process, I was kept in the loop. The transparency of the whole process instilled in me a strong sense of trust and made the waiting somewhat enjoyable.

Finally, after a few weeks, I received an email notifying me that my results were ready. Excitedly, I logged into the secure iGENEA database, and what I discovered was well, shocking, to say the least. After scrutinizing the wealth of material the database presented, I found a remarkable piece of information - I am related to George Washington. Yes, you read that right. Our family trees share common ancestry.

Discovering this extraordinary familial connection brought a whole new context to the stories I’d read about Washington growing up. Besides the obvious shock and surprise, I felt an unusual sense of pride and awe. Connecting on a familial level with such an eminent figure in history feels both surreal and motivational. I also can't avoid mentioning the extra bragging rights it has granted me.

Having undergone this unique experience, I highly recommend iGENEA for anyone wanting to uncover their lineage. Apart from the fascinating personal discoveries, the overall process was highly efficient, transparent, and user-friendly. The depth of information is astounding, and anyone using their services will surely appreciate the insights gained. What's your lineage? It might surprise you just like mine did.

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Questions and answers about the DNA test

After we have received the samples it normally takes 6 weeks for the fist results. Depending on the chosen test the result is thus already fully ready or further analysis are done.

If you order and pay for a test set for somebody else online, the address of the other person under “Comments”. We will then send the collection kit to the address of this person. You can also place your order by phone or e-mail.

This is how the DNA origin analysis works

A Mucus Sample suffices to get a sample of your DNA. Taking the sample is simple and painless and can be done at home. Send the samples with the envelop included in the sampling kit.

Your origin analysis